User manual
Chain (Figure 6.6.14)
Operating method:
2. Enable Ring Group 1: Hello time can be disable too, if it enable, time of sending Hello packet could not be very
fast, or it will influence CPU dealing speed.
3. Set up Port 7 and 8 of Device 100, 101, 102 and 103 to be Ring Port in Ring Group 1, Network ID is1, Ring Type
is Single; as shown in figure 5-47. Set up Port 7 and 8 of Device 107, 108 and 109 to be Ring Ports in Ring Group
2, Network ID is 2. Ring Type is Chain; as shown in figure 6.6.16.
Figure 6.6.15
Figure 6.6.16
4. Use a wire to connect Port 7 and 8 of Device 107-109 in turn to make a chain. Use a wire to connect Port 7
and 8 of Device 100-103 in turn to make a Single Ring, Then use a wire to connect Port 8 of Device 107 and
Port 7 of Device 109 to normal port of Device 102 and 103. Chain is finished.
1. Port can not be trunking setting when it is already Ring port.
2. In the same single ring, identity must be consistent, otherwise it will not built a ring and can not
3. All ring ports in the VLAN settings must be TRUNK tagged VLAN member, otherwise can not
4. To form tangent ring or other complex rings, should pay attention to the ring identity whether is it consistent, different
single ring identification must be different.
6.6.3 RSTP