1. Turn instrument on and allow 5 minutes to stabilize. Verify that the yellow LOW BATTERY
light is off.
2. Push up and hold switch in the test position.
– The red ALARM light will come on verifying the CO alarm circuit operation.
– The yellow LOW BATTERY light will also come on, verifying the low battery detection circuit.
– Green NORMAL light will blink several times, then come on steady verifying continuity of
the detector circuits.
– The buzzer will sound and the REM ALARM jack will be energized.
– The display will show an upscale reading.
– Release the switch. Indicators will return to normal and display may first show a negative
indication (-XX), then return close to 00.
3. Remove the plastic sample tube from the black tube lock collar on top of the flow meter.
Introduce a sample of zero air to the sample tube (see User Instructions for the 3M
Calibration Kit 529-04-48 or 529-04-49). The sample flow should be between 0.5 and 1.5 scfh.
4. Verify that the green NORMAL light is on, the red ALARM light is flickering about once a
second and the display is showing 00 (zero), (see Calibration and Adjustment section of this
User Instruction).
5. Remove the zero air sample and introduce a known sample of 50 to 150 ppm CO to the
sample inlet tube (see User Instructions for the 3M
Calibration Kit 529-04-48 or 529-04-49).
The sample flow should be between 0.5 and 1.5 scfh.
6. Verify that the display readings rise upscale and the alarm light and buzzer operate (see
Calibration and Adjustment section of this User Instruction).
7. Remove the CO sample.
8. Reconnect the sample tube to the black tube lock collar on top of the flow meter.
9. After adjusting the regulator on the air purification panel to the proper setting for your
respiratory protection, adjust the flow meter knob so that the black floating ball is within the
green boxed area etched on the flow meter body. Counterclockwise rotation of flow meter’s
knob will increase sample airflow to the monitor.
10. Instrument is now ready for normal use. Turn OFF when not in use.
Monitor Calibration Frequency
The CO monitor should be calibrated prior to use and every two weeks for the first month. After
the first month, calibrate the monitor monthly if it is used on a continuous basis (daily or weekly).
If the monitor is used on a non-continuous basis the monitor should be calibrated prior to each use.
Note: If monitor's alarm is energized, always check calibration to be sure monitor is not
malfunctioning and/or out of calibration producing a false alarm/reading.
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