Although you may have closed eBeam Software’s Meeting application, as long as the eBeam
system remains connected to your computer, the hardware will continue to pick up signals from
the digital markers and eraser.
When eBeam Software’s Meeting application is closed and either the digital marker or eraser is
detected by the eBeam system, you can set the eBeam system to do one of following:
• Launch in Whiteboard mode
• Launch in Projection mode
• Disconnect from the eBeam hardware when eBeam Software’s Meeting application
closes, thus freeing the COM port.
To select one of the previously described settings:
1. Choose Setup from the Edit menu.
2. Click the eBeam Hardware tab in the Setup dialog box.
3. In the After this application is closed: pull-down menu, select one of the following
Start this application if
Sets the eBeam system to monitor for digital marker/
eBeam hardware signal is
eraser use. If a digital marker or eraser signal is
detected, eBeam Software’s Meeting application is
launched (Whiteboard mode) and immediately
begins to record whiteboard data.
Use eBeam with Projector
Sets the eBeam system to monitor mode for digital
marker/eraser use. If a digital marker signal is
detected, eBeam Software’s Projection mode is
Disconnect eBeam from
Disconnects eBeam Software from the communication
all applications
port. This allows other devices or applications to use
the port.
4. Click OK.
What Is an eBeam Meeting?
An eBeam meeting is a collection of notes and annotations which may consist of a single page
or multiple pages. In either case, all pages contained in one eBeam Software’s Meeting applica-
tion (*.wbd) file.
A single meeting may have one or more participants who are sitting in one room using eBeam to
capture notes and diagrams. A single meeting may also have participants who are located in
other locations, such as another floor in your building, another state, or even another country.
What Is a Shared Meeting?
A shared eBeam meeting is a meeting that is broadcast over your local intranet or over the
World Wide Web (Internet).
At one location, the meeting coordinator/host uses the eBeam system (software and hardware) to
broadcast the meeting over the network (see Hosting/Sharing a Meeting). Remote participants
use eBeam Software’s Meeting application or a web browser to log into the meeting (see
Joining a Meeting).
O P E R A T O R ’ S G U I D E
3 M™ D I G I T A L W A L L D I S P L A Y