The camshaft has several lobes that push open the valve discs as the camshaft rotates. Rotation is controlled by a drive motor that drives a gear at the rear of the
camshaft. The front end has a cup with markings and slots.
The camshaft slots are molded to exact dimensions. Do not attempt to modify the cam cup slots. Improper regen will occur!
The outside surface of the cup has an arrow mark. When the arrow is at top center, the camshaft is in the loading position. 90
degrees to the right on the cup an optical sensor is mounted to the top plate. This sensor reads the slots as they pass through.
The largest slot is “Home” and the remaining slots are positioned to signal the regeneration cycles.
When looking at the end of the camshaft, numbers are visible in the hollow of the cup. An arrow on the top plate points to the
current marking. The numbers represent regeneration cycles as follows:
C0 = Treated water - normal operation mode
C1 = Backwash
C2 = Brine draw
C3 = Slow Rinse
C4 = System pause
C5 = Fast rinse cycle 1
C6 = Backwash cycle 2
C7 = Fast rinse cycle 2
C8 = Brine refi ll
These numbers are offset rotationally 90 degrees from the matching slot. The offset enable the service person to view the number at the top of the cup and deter-
mine which slot is at the optical sensor.
If any part of the camshaft is broken or damaged the camshaft should be replaced. Do not repair or modify damaged cam lobes, gears or timing cup.
To remove camshaft:
1) Disconnect power to the unit.
2) Remove cover.
3) Remove motor.
4) Camshaft should be in the treated water position. Rotate to the left as needed.
5) Use a screwdriver to hold open the #1 valve disc.
When replacing/removing camshaft, make sure not to damage or misalign the optical sensor. Hold the sensor in position while removing camshaft.
6) Move the camshaft backwards, away from the controller.
7) Lift the loose front end up and out.
To install camshaft:
1) Check that the optical sensor is in position.
2) Position camshaft above the valve discs. The arrow on the cup should be up.
3) Slide the rear of the camshaft into place.
4) Pivot the camshaft close to its fi nal position. The camshaft will push on one or more valve discs. You will feel resistance as you complete the installation.
5) Move the camshaft down and into position. Force valve discs to move as needed.
6) Move the camshaft forward. Check that the optical sensor is in position.
7) Install motor.
NOTE: The camshaft will position itself to C0 (treated water) when the controller is powered up.
Figure 29
Figure 30