3.0 Installation
Follow the Concrete Universal Enclosure (CUE) Instruction to install the enclosure and its ground grid.
Trench and align the field cable ducts to the 4220CUE-6000 Cabinet’s cable ports per the dimensions.
Open doors and hold in place with the bi-fold door clamps and wind latches.
Remove the front half(ves) of the black three port plate(s), the fiber cable port cover, the Cable Base
Panel(s) and the Duct Cable Skirt(s) from the 4220CUE Cabinet. Cut off cable ducts even with the
cabinet pad. If the cables are larger than 3 1/4”, use the optional 4297-2 Port Kit that have a 4” diameter.
Pull the fiber and copper cables through the ducts.
a. All fiber optic cable(s) in the 4220CUE are through cables to the CUE. Pull them through the single
port on the far left-hand side of the cabinet. Be sure to slide the 4-inch Metal Port (included with the
cabinet) over the end(s) of the cable/innerducts(s). Leave sufficient slack so the cable(s) can be tied
off to the side and away from the copper cables.
b. The field/distribution copper cable(s) with the pair count 1-2000 should be placed in the split black
Cable Port on the left side of the cabinet and the 2001-4000 pair count cable(s) on the right side of
the cabinet. All copper cables must have 18 feet minimum length above the pad.
4.0 Cable Port Sealing
The two types of cable ports that are the standard in the 4220CUE-6000 are the 4-inch Metal Port for the
fiber cable(s) and/or innerduct(s), and the two 4297-3 Port Kit (3 holes with 3 1/4” opening for the
copper cable(s)). The 4297-2 Port Kit (2 holes with 4” openings) is an option that that fits in the same
footprint of the 4297-3 and can be ordered.
Install the Metal Port and reinstall the front half(ves) of the black copper cable ports in the 4220CUE.
Follow the Instructions in the 4298 Flexport Kit included with the cabinet, Section 2.0 Base Isolation
Seal (No Encapsulant), for both the copper and fiber port seals. Make sure that the Flexport Kit does not
interfere with the cable securing at the tie bar.
5.0 Shield Bonding
Remove cable sheath 2” above the lower cable strain relief bar. Make sure that the 3M
4298 Flexport
does not interfere with the cable securing.
Install shield bond connector(s) according to your company’s practice and attach bond strap(s) with
sufficient length to reach the cabinet bond plates.
Identify cable bond strap(s) on the bond log label in the cabinet.
13 3/4”
32 1/4”
32 1/4”
4 1/2”
End of CUE
Fiber Optic
Cable Port
Field/Distribution Cable Ports