Periodically clean the Sliding Beam Anchor’s metal components with a soft brush, warm water, and a mild
soap solution. Ensure parts are thoroughly rinsed with clean water.
6.2 SErVIcE:
Only 3M or parties authorized in writing by 3M may make repairs to this equipment. If the Sliding Beam Anchor
has been subject to fall force, it must be removed from service immediately, clearly marked “DO NOT USE”, and then
destroyed. If inspection reveals an unsafe or defective conditions, remove the system from service and contact 3M
regarding replacement or repair.
When not in use, store and transport the Sliding Beam Anchor and associated fall
protection equipment in a cool, dry, clean environment out of direct sunlight. Avoid areas where chemical vapors may
exist. Thoroughly inspect components after extended storage.
Figure 10 illustrates labels on the Sliding Beam Anchor. Labels must be replaced if they are not fully legible.
provided on each label is as follows:
Warning Label:
1) Reall all instructions. 2) Maximum capacity 140 kg. 3) Notified body ID. 4) Year and month manufactured. 5) Lot
number. 6) Model number. 7) Acceptable installation locations and working ranges. Install on structures rated for 12kN or
more. 8) Inspection date. 9) Inspector initials. 10) Sliding Beam Anchor model number, allowed beam flange widths, and
allowed beam flange thicknesses.
11) Inspect the Sliding Beam Anchor. 12) Do not repair. This product must be serviced by an authorized center. 13)
Temperature range -40°C - +60°C. 14) Acceptable installation locations and working ranges. Only install on vertical
and horizontal beams with end stops. 15) Store Sliding Beam Anchors in a cool, dry, clean environment; out of direct
sunlight. 16) Do not remove the labels from the Sliding Beam Anchor. 17a) Do not use on beams without end stops.
17b) Correct installation on beams with end stops. 18a) Install on structures rated for 12kN or more. 18b) Do not use on
structures rated less than 12 kN. 19) Do not use on slanted beams.