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Enjoy the fun together!
A6M2 Zero is the next of new LW Planes
series designed for easy and cheap flying. The
build is simple even for a beginner. It’s very low
weight, easy assembly and fantastic flight
characteristics makes this model an ideal plane
for beginner RC pilots.
Very suitable for dads and kids. Children will learn
some modern building skills and technology and
most of all have fun. This is the reason, why every
dad should have a 3D printer at home.
This model has been completely designed with
the new
material in mind.
Parts printed from this LW-PLA are light, easily
sanded and glued together. This model requires
only about 220 g of this material, that means it’s
a very cheap build. In case of accident, parts can
be easily reprinted with just a filament cost.
We’ve been testing this material for half a year
before this plane was released... The material is
using an active foaming technology to achieve
lightweight, low density PLA parts. At around
230°C this material will start foaming, increasing
its volume by nearly 3 times.
All parts of this plane should be printed from LW-
PLA except the cowling motor mount and el.
Possibly A6M2 Zero can be printed from normal
PLA but the plane will be too heavy for relaxed
flying. Standard PLA printed model therefore
could not be recommended for beginners. You
should use heavier battery also to compensate
Center of Gravity of the plane in this case.
weights of printed parts
cowling (PLA)
19 g
23 g
16 g
15 g
13 g
fuselage cover 1
2,2 g
fuselage cover 2
3,2 g
fuselage cover 3
7,1 g
cover arm (PLA)
2,8 g
wing L1
21 g
wing L2
12 g
wing L3
10 g
wing L4
2 g
wing R1
21 g
wing R2
12 g
wing R3
10 g
wing R4
2 g
aileron L1
4 g
aileron L2
3,5 g
aileron L3
4,5 g
aileron R1
4 g
aileron R2
3,5 g
aileron R3
4,5 g
stabiliser L1
5,9 g
stabiliser L2
2 g
stabiliser R1
5,9 g
stabiliser R2
2 g
elevator L1
4,8 g
elevator L2
0,5 g
elevator R1
4,8 g
elevator R2
0,5 g
elevator arm (PLA)
3 g
7,3 g
motor mount (PETG)
11 g
spinner (PLA)
6 g
all printed parts 269,5 g