User Interface:
The user interface enables you to program the criteria for the build, using 3D
Build Zone A:
Build Zone A is the left side of the Viper Pro SLA system, as you face the
Machine, and is utilized for the building of all machine configurations.
Build Zone B:
Build Zone B is the right side of the Viper Pro SLA system, as you face the
Machine, and is utilized for building with a dual or extra large machine configuration.
Electrical Cabinet:
The electrical cabinet contains all the electrical equipment that the Viper Pro
SLA system requires. Location of the cabinet varies based on machine configuration. The cabinet
can be located within the build zone B area for single vat system. The cabinet is located behind the
machine for any configuration, including the dual vat option.
System Requirements
For system requirements, consult the
For access,
70696 Revision 1C 27-Aug-08