QMS 1725E Print Sytem Operation
This chapter describes changing print resolution, using high-resolu-
tion while duplexing, chaining paper cassettes, collating output, print-
ing a status page, cancelling a print job, and ending a print job.
High-Resolution Printing
The QMS 1725E Print System supports two print resolutions: 300 and
600 dpi (dots per inch). Printing at 300 dpi, your printer requires less
processing time compared to 600 dpi, since it has fewer dots per inch
to map, therefore reducing the time it takes to print. Printing at 300 dpi
also reduces the amount of toner used compared to pages printed at
600 dpi. For pages that contain great detail, such as graphics with
multiple levels of shading, or for documents requiring the best possi-
ble character detail, you should set your printer to 600 dpi resolution.
QMS 1725E Print System
comes from the factory with 8 MB
(megabytes) of memory, more than enough to handle both 300 or 600
dpi during simplex printing.
You can set the default resolution of your printer through the Adminis-
tration/Engine/Def Resolution menu.
High-Resolution Printing and Duplexing
If you purchased a printer with the duplex option installed, you may
print on any of the media sizes at 300x300 dpi. However, printing
duplex at 600x600 dpi will require additional memory. The following
Administration/Engine/Def Resolution
300 dpi—300x300 dpi resolution.
600 dpi—600x600 dpi resolution.
600 dpi
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