Pannoramic DESK II 1.22 User’s Guide
5 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
1. Remove both Allen screws
located at the left and right sides of the cover
by using an
Allen screwdriver
2. Carefully push the cover
horizontally frontward with light pressure until it can be
removed completely from the basic unit
3. When you have finished maintenance or repair work, reattach the cover. Push it horizontally
towards the basic unit
until the two protruding guide pins
fit into the corresponding
recesses of the basic unit.
4. Note that the rear part of the cover must be pushed over the top part of the blue basic unit
5. To lock the cover in place, insert the screws again and fasten them.
Make sure that no cables are squeezed as you replace the cover(s).
5.3.2 Removing a slide
If a slide got jammed or has suffered breakage during the process of digitization, stop the process
and, if possible, move the slide holder to a position where the slide can be easily removed.
Crush hazard! Before you remove a jammed slide, cancel
the running
digitization process, terminate the software session and turn the power
Any manipulation performed on a mechanical component must be followed by a complete device
initialization routine (software restart).
June 24, 2016 - Rev. 1