protocol ip ping
Polls remote devices.
protocol ip rip authentication
Specifies authentication passwords and sets the interface
authentication mode.
protocol ip rip mode
Enables or disables the RIP operation.
protocol ip rip neighbors
Displays neighbor information.
protocol ip rip poisonReverse
Enables or disables poison reverse.
protocol ip rip receiveMode
Sets the interface receive mode.
protocol ip rip resetStats
Resets the RIP statistics.
protocol ip rip sendMode
Sets the interface send mode.
protocol ip rip statistics
Displays the RIP interface statistics.
protocol ip rip summary
Displays RIP information.
protocol ip rip updateTime
Sets the update time.
protocol ip route add
Adds a static route to the routing table.
protocol ip route default
Defines the default route.
protocol ip route find
Finds an existing route in the routing table.
protocol ip route flush
Removes all learned routes.
protocol ip route noDefault
Removes the default route.
protocol ip route remove
Removes an existing route.
protocol ip route summary
Displays summary information for the default route.
protocol ip udpHelper add
Creates UDP Helper servers by defining pairs of UDP ports
and IP addresses.
protocol ip udpHelper remove
Removes a UDP Helper server.
protocol ip udpHelper summary
Displays information about the existing UDP Helper servers.
security device access modify
Modifies access rights.
security device access summary
Displays summary information on access rights.
security device user create
Creates a user.
security device user delete
Deletes a user.
security device user modify
Modifies a user.
security device user pwdRecover
Enables or disables password recovery.
security device user summary
Displays summary information on users.
security network access accessList add
Adds an access list rule.
security network access accessList flush
Removes all access list rules on a selected VLAN.
security network access accessList modify
Modifies an access list rule.
security network access accessList remove
Deletes an access list rule.
security network access accessList summary
Displays the current rules in the access list.
system control initialize
Resets to factory defaults.
system control reboot
Performs a system reboot.
system control softwareUpgrade
Performs an agent software upgrade.
system inventory
Displays information about the unit.
system management alert AddAddress
Adds an email address to an alert.
Command (Continued)
What does the Command do?
dqa1770-9AAA02.fm Page 10 Wednesday, May 15, 2002 10:15 AM