DANLERS ControlZAPP CZ CEFL 10VDC Installation Notes Download Page 1

Installation notes

DANLERS Limited, Vincients Road, CHIPPENHAM, Wiltshire, SN14 6NQ, UK.
Telephone: +44 (0)1249 443377   Fax: +44 (0)1249 443388   
E-mail: [email protected]    Web: 


Company Registered Number 2570169   VAT Registration Number 543 5491 38

Products available from DANLERS

•  PIR occupancy switches • Daylight linked dimmers • Manual high frequency dimmers 

•  Photocells • Radio remote controls • Time lag switches • Outdoor security switches 

•  Dimmers • Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning controls • Bespoke / O.E.M. products

Please call for more information or a free catalogue, or visit our website.

This product conforms to BS EN 60669-2-1, BS EN 55015 and BS EN 60730.
Please ensure the most recent edition of the appropriate local wiring regulations are observed 

and suitable protection is provided (protected with the appropriate MCB) 1kV over voltage. 

Please ensure that this device is disconnected from the supply if an insulation test is made. 
This product is covered by a warranty which extends to 5 years from the date of manufacture.

Precautions and Warranty 




DANLERS design and manufacture other ControlZAPP  CZCEFLP variants, coded 

by the following order codes:


Suitable for mains switching 


Suitable for mains switching, Volt Free contacts 


Suitable for 1-10VDC ballasts, Volt Free contacts 


Suitable for DALI ballasts 


Suitable for DALI ballasts, Volt Free contacts



The load will not switch on:


• The LUX setting as specified by the ControlZAPP App is set too low and is 

inhibiting the switch. 

• The moving body is not emitting more IR than the background. 

    (Person wearing insulating clothing in a warm environment) 

• Person is too far from the PIR switch, see detection diagram. 

• Person is moving unusually slowly (perhaps when testing). 

• The control unit battery is not engaged (ON). 

    Switch RED dip switch next to the telejack connector on the control  

    unit to the DOWN position.

The load switches on when nobody is present:


• Heater causing infra-red variations in a small cold room. 

    Resite the CZ CEFL 10VDC control away from heater. 

• Please contact DANLERS for further technical support.  


  ControlZAPP Ceiling flush mounted switches



ControlZAPP ceiling flush mounted multi functional devices can be flush mounted 

into suspended and plasterboard ceilings (diagram A). 
ControlZAPP devices  incorporate a passive infra-red quad sensor to detect 

movement of a warm body within their detection zone (diagram B) and a photocell 

to monitor the ambient light level. 

ALL adjustments  are made via a freely downloadable ControlZAPP App 

available from the DANLERS website. 

If CZ CEFL 10VDC is set as PIR with LUX input, upon detecting movement, if 

the ambient light is dark enough, the ControlZAPP device will turn the load ON. 

The ambient threshold can be set to between approximately 30 lux to 1000 lux 

and infinite lux (photocell inactive) via the ‘Respond to Daylight’ settings on the 

ControlZAPP App.
If no more movement is detected within a pre-selected time as determined by the 

ControlZAPP App, then the ControlZAPP device will turn the load off. This ‘Time 

Off Timeout’ or time lag can be set via the ControlZAPP App adjuster between 

10sec and 23hrs 59min 59sec. 



CZ CEFL 10VDC is suitable for switching and dimming 1-10VDC ballasts. 
CZ CEFL 10VDC can control up to 20mA, eg. 20 ballasts at 1mA (varies according 

to make and model of ballasts).
CZ CEFL 10VDC can also switch up to:
•  10 amps (3000W) of resistive loads 

•  6 amps (1500W) fluorescent lamps, high frequency or switch start,  

  incandescent or mains halogen lamps (recommended with integral safety fuse) 

•  3 amps (750W) of electronic or wire wound transformers.

•  2 amps (500W) of low energy lamps: CFL, LED, 2D etc.

•  1 amp (250W) of fans or most metal halide lamps.

Start-up mode and Default settings

When the CZ CEFL 10VDC is powered up, it will take 1 minute for the circuitry to 

stabilise (detection LED flashing) and ensure the output is off, the CZ CEFL 10VDC 

will then enter its Default Operating Mode. 

Please Note:

 When in the Default Operating Mode the CZ CEFL 10VDC is set up 

as an occupancy switch with a 20 minute turn OFF timeout (time lag) and photocell 

