Chapter 6: MultiMonitor
show the current
date and time.
Click to bring out
zoom, resolution,
direction and auto
P/T controls. See
Show current FPS.
Move the curser over the edges of the picture and it will turn into an arrow.
Click and hold to pan / tilt the camera (if the camera supports this function)
Click this button to record the current image on screen. A window will come
up, click
to start recording to the default file and location.
Click the left side of the viewing window to bring out more control features.
Show the current
IP and WebCAM
Click and drag to
resize this window.
Click to switch to full
screen or double
click anywhere on
the video screen.
Flip the image
Rotate the image
left or right.
Bring up the
Settings option.
Click to record the
current video onto
your local PC. See
below for recording
Show number of
user viewing and
current zoom level.
WebCAM - user manual