Chapter 3: Web Interface
2.4 Advanced Settings
This section allows the Administrator to set up some of the features available in the
2.4.1 Event Notification
2.4.2 Motion Detection
2.4.3 Image Recording
2.4.4 Email / FTP
2.4.5 System Settings
2.4.6 Image Server
2.4.7 Language
2.4.8 About
2.4.1 Event Notification
This section determines the type of event that will be included if an email notification is
sent by WebCAM.
Administrator privilege is required to configure this section.
i. Event
A total of 8 email recipients can be assigned to receive notification.
Fig.26 WebCAM Event Notification Page
Send Email
to activate this feature. Default is
Email Server
A valid
Email Server
, User name and password must be setup for this feature to
work. If this has not been setup, click
and to go to
Email / FTP
setup page.
(see Section 2.4.4)
Email function can only work using standard Email Server and not Web based Email
Server, such as yahoo.com
Email Address Book
WebCAM - user manual