90 - 264V AC power sup ply.
De signed to com ply with EN50081 Part 2 (Emis sion) and EN50082
(Im mu nity) EMC speci fi ca tions.
Front panel seal ing to IP65 (NEMA 4) stan dard.
Pro gram ma ble digi tal fil ter.
Proc ess Vari able off set fa cil ity
Alarm type se lected from front panel.
Sen sor Break in di ca tion.
and the many optional features include:
Alarm 2 and Alarm 3 re lay out puts
Re mote re set of latched alarm
Re- transmitted Proc ess Vari able out put
Trans mit ter power sup ply
ASCII and MOD BUS com mu ni ca tions pro to cols
RS485 se rial com mu ni ca tions.
November, 2000
Sec tion 1
-DIN Digi tal In di ca tor
In tro duc tion
Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I