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P E R S O N A L   A U D I O   E D I T O R



P R O F E S S I O N A L   D I G I T A L   A U D I O

Use Short/cut 2000 On-Air with Speed and Confidence

Fast Recording 

for On-Air Shows

Events happen fast in broadcasting. So
we’ve given Short/cut 2000 the ability to
enter RECORD mode immediately, no
matter what mode you’re working in.
New recordings can be titled using the
built-in QWERTY keyboard, or if you’re in
a hurry, cuts will be auto-named for you.

Even Faster Editing

Once you’ve completed a recording, it’s
easy to precisely locate edit points:

• A large scrub wheel provides an

outstanding simulation of rocking a
tape reel, while an illuminated LCD
shows large waveforms with variable
zoom resolution.

• Just like a word processor, segments

can be highlighted for basic cut-and-
paste operations.With Short/cut 2000’s
more advanced capabilities, selected
regions can also be previewed, looped,
gain adjusted or moved.

• Individual ARM buttons even permit

single-track editing and insert recording,
for greater flexibility in preparing news
interviews and call-in segments.

Short/cut 2000 is considerably faster
than the original Short/cut Editor. Most
editing operations now execute about as
quickly as you can press the buttons. (If
you own an “original”, we offer a field
upgrade kit giving it the same high-
speed operation.)

Short/cut 2000 is also easy to operate,
thanks to many small design details. For
example, edit marks can be placed on
the fly during recording or playback to
identify regions for instant access in the
future. A FIND command can locate
directly to any point in a recording. And
to quickly retrieve a file, just type its
name on the built-in keyboard.There’s
even a ZERO MARK, just like “reset” on a
tape machine.

Real Buttons 

for Every Function 

Short/cut 2000’s real buttons make it
faster to use than a computer editor, and
make it easier for non-technical staff to
produce polished audio.The buttons are
arranged in several logical groups:

• Transport controls include RECORD,


• Edit buttons include CUT, COPY,

INSERT, ERASE and UNDO. In addition,
FIND keys are used to mark and locate
segments during edit operations.

• Even minor items like SAVE, DISPLAY

ZOOM and LOOP are presented as 
real keys.

Your Choice of 

Removable Media 

With the Short/cut 2000, recordings can
be copied to a
variety of
cartridge disks,
and removed
just like a reel of
tape. It’s easy to
archive them,
export them to
other 360
Systems products, or using built-in file
translation programs, play them on
equipment from other manufacturers.

A parallel-port (25-pin D) is provided as
standard equipment, and connects to
drives having this interface. (An optional
SCSI card is available on special order to

connect drives employing that standard.
The SCSI card can be added after taking

delivery on your Short/cut
2000. See the order form
under accessories.)

Choices for removable
media include the popular
100MB and 250MB Zip
disks, which can store
dozens of sound effects or
music cues at low cost.

Bigger projects can be stored on the 2-
Gigabyte Jaz disk, with over 2 1/2 hours of
audio! Just select a style of disk that
matches your storage needs.

Short/cut 2000 also records almost 12
hours of stereo on its internal hard disk,
affording substantial on-line storage for
work in progress, and for finished
programs going to air.

Cost Effective File Transfers 

An exclusive feature of the Short/cut 2000
is 360 Systems’ D-NET File Transfer Network.

D-NET uses standard AES digital outputs to
transfer files to other 360 Systems
products for playback.Transfers include
cut names, ID numbers, running times, and
formatting information.

Take it on the Road 

You can travel with confidence, thanks
to Short/cut 2000’s rugged construction.
And at just under twelve pounds, it goes
everywhere you go. Just plug it in and go
to work. Short/cut 2000 operates from
any of the world’s voltages and includes
built-in stereo speakers and a headphone
jack. Unlike many PC editors, Short/Cut
2000 has balanced analog connections
on XLR connectors, and AES/EBU digital
interfaces for a seamless connection to
professional equipment.

The Short/cut 2000 Editor is equally at
home in radio broadcast or TV production.
It’s the first choice of audio professionals
in 60 countries around the world.
