2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
Date and time
Use NTP server –
use the NTP server for internal time synchronisation with 2N
. Enable the function to deactivate the manual local time setting.
– set the NTP server IP address to be used for
NTP server
2N SIP Mic
internal time synchronisation.
– set the NTP server port to be used for
internal time
2N SIP Mic
– set the time zone for the
installation site. Winter
Time zone
2N SIP Mic
/summer time is not considered automatically.
– set a date in the DD.MM.RRRR format.
– set a time value in the HH:MM 24-hour format.
– use the button to synchronise the
time with your
Set local time
2N SIP Mic
current PC time value. Press Apply to set the time value in whole minutes.
– this function has not been implemented yet.
– lock the console to prevent the action buttons from being used.
Console lock
Locking is signalled by backlight flashing of the button pressed.
The console lock only controls the upper panel buttons. The logical
inputs attachable to the back panel remain active.