Model 106-H Ozone Monitor Manual Rev. D-2
reference ozone monitor calibrated to the International Ozone Association (IOA)
buffered KI method. These results are used to calibrate the Ozone Monitor with
respect to a slope (gain). The correction for slope is recorded in the instrument Birth
Certificate. The slope parameter is entered into the microprocessor prior to shipment.
The user may change the slope parameter from the front panel if desired. It is
recommended that the instrument be recalibrated at least once every year and
preferably more frequently. The user may perform the calibration (see Section 5), or
return the instrument to 2B Technologies for calibration servicing.
The zero may drift due to temperature change or chemical contamination of the
absorption cell. As discussed below (Section 3.2.5, Section 3.10, Section 6), an
accurate zero correction can be measured from time to time using zero gas and the
auto-correct function of the instrument.
SPECIFICATIONS: Model 106-H and Model OEM-106-H
Measurement Principle
UV Absorption at 254 nm, single beam
Measurement Interval
2 s
Linear Dynamic Range
0-20 wt%
0.01 wt%
Precision (1σ for 10-s
average; aka rms noise)
Greater of 0.01 wt% O
or 2% of reading
Limit of Detection (10-s
average, 2σ)
0.02 wt%
Greater of 0.01 wt% O
or 2% of reading
Baseline Drift
< 0.01 wt%/day, < 0.1 wt%/year
Sensitivity Drift
< 1%/day, < 3%/year
Iodide titration; annual calibration recommended
Measurement Time and
2 s, 0.5 Hz
Data Averaging Options
10 s, 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr
Response Time, 100% of
Step Change
For 2-s output: 4 s, 2 data points
For 10-s output: 20 s, 2 data points
Flow Rate
Nominal: Up to 20 L/min; Maximum: 55 L/min
0.5 L/min required for 4-s response time at 2-s output
Data Logger Capacity
32,736 lines (10 s avg. = 3.7 days; 5 min avg = 113