Lights green
The unit is “ON”
Lights yellow
The unit is “ON” with IR
Blinking green or yellow
Low batteries
Right LED
Lights blue
The video recorder is “ON”
Blinking blue
The recorder is active
Blinking red (when video recorder is
started, blue LED indicator lights up,
but 3-5 sec starts blinking red)
Memory card is full
Lights red
Memory card is not installed
The delivered memory card contains useful software, which includes files as follows:
• “Trace_driver” - driver software for the video recorder which serves to connect the unit to your
PC. Install this driver before connection.
• “Trace_converter” - software for work in the mode of video recording to a PC hard disk.
• “Trace_date_time setup” - software which enables setup of running the time/date.
The built-in video recorder is compatible with operation systems Windows XP, Windows Vista and
Windows 7. Note: It is recommened that before use of the video recorder you should save the sup-
plied software to your PC. In case of loss, you can email us at techsupport@sellmark.net.
• Turn on the NV device.
• Start the video recorder.
• Connect the video recorder with the supplied USB cable to your PC - it will be detected as remov-
able disk. The NV device can be turned off now - it will be powered via the USB.
• With the help of Total Commander or similar file manager you can handle the SD card as a
removable disk.
NOTE: Transmission speed from the memory card to the PC will not exceed 1Mb/sec.
• The video recorder should be powered off. Use a USB cable to connect it to the PC.
• A window as shown in Pic. 3 comes up. Now you will be able to handle the files recorded on this
unit’s memory card. Press the “EXIT” button when finished.