Prestige 2602RL-D3A Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2007 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Example- A trace with system crashes
ras> sys trcp sw on
ras> sys errctl 3
ras> poe debug 1
ras> dev dial 1
Start dialing for node <GPMI>...
poeNetCmdExe: chann poe0 event x420
poeChannDial: start session, peer<GPMI>
bdcastInit: pch poe0
poePut1SrvcName: '' len 0
host-uniq 31303030 len 4
putPoeHdr: ver 1 type 1 code x09 sess-id 0 len 12(x000C)
bdcastSendInit: l1.pktTx() failed, pch poe0 ch enet0
poePut1SrvcName: '' len 0
host-uniq 31303030 len 4
putPoeHdr: ver 1 type 1 code x09 sess-id 0 len 12(x000C)
### Hit any key to continue.###
$$$ DIALING dev=6 ch=0..........
poeI/C: ver 1 type 1 code x07 sessId x0000 len 274(x0112)
poeCtrlI/C: pkt len 274
service-name telstra
service-name bpa
service-name iprimus
service-name pacificinternet
service-name integrationisp
service-name bpa-dev
service-name bpa-sif
service-name telstrarna
service-name gpmsystems
service-name cmux
service-name launceston-broadband
service-name vivanet