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Step 4:
Set the user 601 and Dial Plan in ZX20-A.
In the page: Extensions
Dial Plan
Activate the change and apply the test:
1. Register an IP phone ZP302B to ZX20-B with 801 extension.
2. Register an IP phone ZP302A to ZX20-A with 601 extension.
3. 801 call 601. And you can see 601 will ring and you can pick up the call.
Above is the way to route ZX20-
B’s call to ZX20-A,
Accordingly, if you want to call from ZX20-A to ZX20-B, continue as below:
Step 5:
Set Dial Rule in ZX20-A all calls starting with 8 will be sent to ZX20-B.
Step 6:
Set the user 801 and Dial Plan in ZX20-B
Activate the change and apply the test:
601 call 801, and 801 will ring and you can pick up the call.