You may use the below configuration parameters to change settings of the corresponding functionality.
1: LED Indicator Mode
Paramter No: 1(0x01) Size:1 Byte (default=1)
Value: 00 LED always off
Value: 01 LED normal mode
Value: 02 LED always on in color specified in Parameter 2
Value: 03 LED always on in color specified in Parameter 3
2:LED Indicator Color for Upper paddle remote control (Scene 1 activation)
Paramter No: 2(0x02) Size:1 Byte (default=1)
Value: 00 White
Value: 01 Blue
Value: 02 Green
Value: 03 Red
Value: 04 Magenta
Value: 05 Yellow
Value: 06 Cyan
3: LED Indicator Color for Lower paddle remote control (Scene 2 activation)
Paramter No: 3(0x03), Size=1 Byte (default=0)
Value: 00 White
Value: 01 Blue
Value: 02 Green
Value: 03 Red
Value: 04 Magenta
Value: 05 Yellow
Value: 06 Cyan
Support for Association Groups
ZW922 supports 3 association groups. Group 1 supports 1 node ID,Group 2 and Group 3 Supports maximum of 5 node ID’s
Association group_1:Z-Wave Plus™ Lifeline
Association group_1 is default to associate with the primary controller (Gateway/Hub/Controller) for ZW922 Status change report,
1. ZW922 will trigger AUTO report function if the Switch status had been changed.
(ex.Battery Report/Central Scene Notification/ Device Reset Locally Notification/Indicator Report)
Association group_2:BASIC SET
1:Up button press 1x send basic set 0xff
2:Down button press 1x send basic 0x00
1:Up/Down button hold more than 0.5s send SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_START_LEVEL_CHANGE(Dim Up/Dim Down)
Restoring Factory Defaults
ZW922 is removed from the network and will be restored to the factory setting
All Configuration Parameters values and Association information will be restored to factory default settings and excluded from the network.
Manual Reset:tap-tap-tap’and’hold to reset, LED indicator will blink red 5 times to confirm successful reset
Remark : All the setting and data will be permanently deleted.
Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.