2.4 Battery
The attached Li-ion battery along with the phone can be used after
unpacking. For the first three times, please use up the power and
charge it fully for a new battery to perform well.
2.4.1 Removal and Installation of Battery
(1) Press and push the back-cover of the phone down
to release and remove it off the phone. (2) Put finger on the
bottom finger grips, and then lift up the battery from the finger
grips to remove the battery.
(1) Replace the battery into the battery slot, to be
noted that the lower end of the battery firstly inserted. (2) Put the
back-cover of the phone flatly upon the body of phone. Direct the
back cover towards the locking catches on the both sides of the
phone and push the back-cover of the phone upward to lock the
cover into its place.