Speed Dial Number is one-digit, directly hold the digit key. If the Speed
Dial Number is two-digit, press first digit key and then hold the second
one. For example: If the Speed Dial Number is 25, you should press 2
key firstly, and then hold 5 key, thus it can dial directly.
Some handset may not support method 1. Some handset
support only one-digit speed dial number, some support both one-digit
and two-digit speed dial number.
4.11 Memory Status
Memory Status
View the number of saved entries and maximum number of
entries saved in phone and UIM card.
For example: 8/200, UIM Card: 4/150, indicating that 200 records
entries in Max., out of which eight have be saved in phone. And 150
entries in Max., out of which four have been saved in UIM Card.
Please consult with service supplier for storage capacity of UIM card.
4.12 Copying All Contacts
Phone to UIM:
Copy all contacts of the phone’s memory to UIM
This function can copy all the contract records to UIM card,
and all the different records or numbers under the same name will be