Number key
Use the number keys to enter numbers and characters.
# key, * key
It differs in different mode, option or function menu. In standby
state, hold the
# key
to enable the keypad lock.
Lights on when the phone is connected to external power
Scrolling key
Press these keys to scroll cursor to the left, right, up or down
when inputting characters or selecting items. In standby state,
press Left key to enter Recent Calls menu, press Right key to
view Contacts records, hold Up key to enable the Silence all
function. Press Up/Down key to adjust the conversation volume
during a call.
It is used to power on/power off or exit from any window
interface to standby state.
In condition of off-hook or hand-free, press this key to make a
call after having entered the telephone number intended for
calling or entered the last called telephone number.
Hand-free key
If you are using the handset to call and want to transfer the
call to the speakerphone, press “Hand-free” key and hang up
the handset to put conversation on the speakerphone.
Interface Icons
Signal strength
New Message
Incoming call or calling
Icon Description Icon Description