Press the key labeled with the required letter
Once for the first letter
Twice for the second letter
And so on
To insert a space, press the 0 key once. To delete letters, press the Right soft key.
Press the * key to open a list of special characters, use the Scroll keys to move through the list, and press the
OK key to select a character.
123 Mode
The 123 mode enables you to input numbers in a text message.
Press the keys corresponding to the required digits.
eZi EN and eZi en Mode
It is a predictive text input mode. You can input any letter with a single key press. The predictive text input is
based on a built-in dictionary.
To write a desired word, press the keys 2 to 9. Press each key only once for one letter. For example, to write
“book”, press 2 for B, 6 for O twice, 5 for K.
When you finish writing the word and it is correct, press the Right key or OK key to input in the screen. If the
word is not correct, press the Up/Down keys to view other matching words found in the dictionary.
Note: In eZi EN and eZi en Mode, pressing the key 1 can only input a full stop.
Character Chart
Refer to the table below for more information on the characters available using the keys.
key Corresponding
1 and some common symbols
2 ABCabc2
3 DEFdef3
4 GHIghi4
5 JKLjkl5
6 MNOmno6
7 PQRSpqrs7
8 TUVtuv8
9 WXYZwxyz9
0 Space
* key
Press the * key to bring out symbols.
# key
Switch among different input modes.
Up/Down key
Roll the cursor up/down.
Left/Right key
Roll the cursor left/right.
Left soft key
Right soft key
Clear the previous character. Hold the Clear key
to clear all the characters.
End key
This section describes how to troubleshoot some problems when they occur to your phone. If you cannot deal
with them, contact your local dealer.
“Enter PIN” is shown when the phone is switched on.