How to send SMS
You can use your mobile phone to send and receive text messages.
1. Go to Menu
Write Message.
2. Write your message. For more information on writing, see section ‘Writing text’.
3. When you finish writing, press Left soft key [Option] and choose Done.
4. Select Send to send the message to one person.
To send to more than one person, select Send To Many.
5. Enter the recipient’s phone number or press Left soft key [Search] to select the names
from the phone book list. Then select OK to send the message.
How to send MMS
You can use your mobile phone to send and receive multimedia messages.
1. Go to Menu
Write Message.
2. Enter the mobile phone number of one or more recipients in To, separating them with
a semicolon (;).
3. To send a copy of this message to others, move up to the Cc and Bcc fields above
the To field.
4. Enter the MMS subject.
5. In the Edit Content mode,Insert text directly on the screen, use the Left soft key
[Option] to Select add image/audio/video/attachment and so on.
6. When you finish writing, press Left soft key [Option] and choose Done to finish editing;