Step 5 - Power the Zoombak Locator device
Turn on the Zoombak device, press and hold the power button until
device LED indicator begins to glow (about two seconds). Blinking
green LED indicates normal operation.
LED Indicator
ignition switch is in the on or off position. Please note: the (12v+)
positive supply wire may not be red, please consult your vehicle
manufacturer’s handbook for determining the correct location of this
supply wire. A good location to find a constant 12v (+) source is at the
vehicles battery, main switch ignition harness or fuse box. Make sure
you install the fuse holder within 6 inches from the point you have
obtained power. The included fuse is designed to protect the power
supply itself. Use caution if you are using a fuse tap; severe and costly
damage may occur to fuse box if they are not used correctly. Make
certain the circuit you tap into does not fall “asleep” after the car
ignition has been turned off. Most new vehicles incorporate battery
saver circuits which switch off power to non-essential accessories
after the vehicle has been switched off. Consult the vehicle
manufacture shop manual for location and descriptions of these