A D S L M O D E M / R O U T E R
This Quick Start describes how to connect the Zoom Model 5792 ADSL Modem/Router to one or
more computers or other devices. More detailed information, including information about using
the ADSL Modem/Router for online gaming, is in the User Manual on your CD, if you did not
receive a CD with your unit, the User Manual can be found at
Package Contents
Zoom ADSL Modem/Router
Ethernet cable
Power cube
Phone cord
For some countries, a splitter to enable you to use a single ADSL wall jack for both an
Internet connection and for telephone service. Some splitters ship with a small phone cord
attached to the splitter, and others ship with a separate small phone cord.
CD with User Manual and Warranty (Some model variations do no include a CD.)
If you received the ADSL Modem/Router from your service provider, read
Your service provider may have provided instructions for installing your ADSL Modem/Router.
Please follow these instructions. If you need help connecting wireless devices to your ADSL
Modem/Router after completing the installation, please see
Connecting wireless devices to
your ADSL Modem/Router.
Some service providers pre-configure the ADSL modem/router. In that case, the bottom of your
model 5792 may have a large label AND a label saying something like
Configured for XYZ
. That label or another small label may also have a Username and Password for your
ADSL Internet service.
If you did not receive Model 5792 from your service provider and you are
replacing an ADSL modem and ADSL service was working with that
modem, read this.
It’s important to know whether your ADSL service requires the modem to have a User Name and
Password to access and browse the Internet. This User Name and Password are normally
different from the User Name and Password used to access a service provider’s email or to log in
to the modem’s Configuration Manager.
If your ADSL service DOES require a User Name and Password, be sure to write down
the ones you’ve been using. They will be useful when you install your Zoom modem.
If your ADSL service DOES NOT require a User Name and Password, please be aware
that some of these services require you to disconnect your “old” modem for at least 2
hours before installing a new modem including your Zoom modem.