1 Getting Started
Your Zoom modem is a Bluetooth Class 1 modem. Many
of the Bluetooth adapters that are built into computers
today are Class 3. The Zoom modem works with all three
classes of Bluetooth devices, but you should be aware of
the differences. Class 1 devices can communicate over a
range of 100 meters; Class 2, 10 meters; and Class 3, 10
centimeters. If you are using different classes, the distance
over which you can communicate will be limited by the
lower class of Bluetooth device.
Alternatively, you can use your Bluetooth modem to achieve a
traditional, wired dial-up connection to the Internet. If you want to
use your modem in this way, you will need a computer with a serial
port (and a CD-ROM drive if you are using Windows), and an RS-
232 serial cable to connect the modem to your computer.