3650 Sacramento Dr. • San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 U.S.A. • Phone: 805-542-9988 • E-mail: [email protected]
The operating range is the distance from the lamp to the reptile’s basking site. When placing UVB lamps over a terrarium, it is important that the lamp is positioned in a way that
creates a UVB gradient in the habitat. UVB will be strongest close to the lamp, and will gradually decrease with distance. This can often be achieved by placing the lamp fixture
above the terrarium and off to one end of the habitat. The habitat must be large enough to provide this gradient and allow reptiles to photoregulate (adjust their exposure to UVB as
needed). Always provide a shelter for reptiles to retreat completely from any light and UVB exposure. In order for your reptile to benefit from the UVB, you must provide your reptile
with the appropriate temperature zone. Be sure to provide an appropriate temperature and UVB gradient. This will allow your reptile to adjust their distance to heat and UVB lamps
in order to regulate their body temperature and UVB exposure.
CAUTION: Always have your lamp at least six inches away from your reptiles, and provide a gradient as
described above.
Watch for abnormal behaviors: It is important to monitor the reptile’s behavior following the introduction of a new UVB lamp. If the reptile spends unusually long periods of time
basking as close as possible to the UVB and heat lamp(s), then the temperature and/or UVB level may be too low for that species. If an animal appears to be trying to avoid the UVB
lamp, spending most of its time as far from the lamp as possible then the lamp may be too close. Under ideal conditions, reptiles should spend some time basking, and should also
move throughout the habitat to perform natural behaviors (feeding, sleeping, etc.).
• UVB:
Reptiles need UVB for vitamin D production and calcium metabolism. Without UVB, reptiles can develop Metabolic Bone Disease in 6 months or less. UVB along
with proper temperatures, will enable your reptiles to make vitamin D and process calcium from their diet.
• UVA:
Reptiles and amphibians can see things that humans can’t. UVA is part of the rainbow of colors that reptiles can see. UVA helps to increase activity levels, appetite,
and reproductive behaviors. Without UVA, they are colorblind!
This lamp will provide your animals with beneficial UVB for a period of 12 months when used to 10 to 12 hours per day. Record date of first use on lamp and replace after 12
months. Use Zoo Med’s “UVB Reminder” tool online at www.zoomed.com.
ReptiSun UVB lamps emit UV radiation and must be used in accordance with these instructions. Just as you would not stare into the sun, do not stare into this lamp! This lamp
must be placed directly overhead of your reptiles, and not to the side which would force them to stare into the lamp. Always have your lamp at least six inches away from your
reptiles. Failure to use this lamp according to these instructions may result in personal injury or may cause injury to your reptile(s).
If you are interested in measuring the amount of UVB that your lamp is producing, you may want to purchase Zoo Med’s Digital UV Index Radiometer (Item# ST-7). This meter is
available in the “store” section at www.zoomed.com, or by special order through your reptile product retailer.
The LED modules in your light fixture can be replaced as needed at the end of the LED’s useful life.
Zoo Med Laboratories, Inc. (Zoo Med) warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for one year from the date of purchase.
The obligation under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement, at Zoo Med’s discretion, of the product or any part thereof, when the product is returned to Zoo Med, freight
prepaid. No claim shall be allowed under this warranty if, in the opinion of Zoo Med, this product has been subject to accident or improper usage, including but not limited to: water
damage, improper storage, accidental dropping, etc. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties and representations express or implied. Please include your receipt, full name,
address, phone number, and email address along with a note explaining failure when sending any product back to Zoo Med. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for repair or replacement.
4. Disconnect the wires from both ends of the LED module and remove the four screws and washers
holding it in place. Remove the LED module from the housing.
5. Place the new LED module in the same location and orientation as the
original module. The text on the LED module should be in the same
orientation as the module that was removed. Reinstall screws.
6. Reinstall the optics on the new LED module and reassemble by reversing the steps outlined above. If you have questions, please contact Zoo Med’s customer service department.
1. Carefully remove one plastic end cover by extending the
sliding rails and removing the four screws using a Phillips
screwdriver. Gently pull the end cover away, being careful
not to strain the wires.
3. Carefully pull the optics off of the LED module that you are
removing. Save them for reinstallation on the new module.
2. Remove the clear splash guard by sliding it
out of the grooves.
Step 4a
Step 4b
Step 5
Step 2
Step 3
Step 1