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Chat Room Info
: select a chat room and set your name and the phone
number of the other person.
Start New
: input message and start to chat with the number preset.
Voice Mail Server
Press Up/Down keys to select “Voice Mail Server” in the “Messages”
menu, and press “OK” to enter the Voice Mail Server.
Input or modify the number of voice mailbox.
Connect to Voice:
You can hear messages in the voice mailbox
with this function.
The service offered by the network resembles the answering
machine which enable the caller to leave voice messages when you
cannot or are not willing to answer the phone. Your phone number of
the voice mailbox is saved in the phone. Press and hold the Numeric
Key 1 to dial the number of the voice mailbox in the idle mode after the
voice mailbox number is set. Please contact the network operator for
4.1.5 Broadcast
The network service enables you to receive various text messages,
such as those containing information about weather or transportation.
Only a few networks across the world provide such a service. Please
refer to the network operator for details.
Receive Mode:
Turn on or off the Cell Broadcast.
Read Message:
Press the Selection Key Up/Down
select the message.