© Copyright 2021 Zoeller
Co. All rights reserved.
Whether you have an Aquanot
Backup Pump System or a competitive brand, all use batteries that give off gaseous by-products when charging. Some of these
by-products can produce a rotten egg odor. Also, some of these by-products can cause a CO detector to falsely activate. In order to help prevent false activation,
Zoeller Pump Company recommends moving the battery as far away from the CO detector as possible or, if necessary, vent the battery to the exterior. Zoeller
Pump Company provides the previous statements only as guidelines to help prevent false activation of the CO detector. In no way are they meant to supersede
the instructions that accompany the detector, nor do they supersede advice from the CO detector manufacturer.
If the audible alarm associated with your CO detector is activated, we recommend the following actions:
Take immediate action for personal safety as recommended in the CO detector literature.
Contact the appropriate agency to determine if the CO is being produced by your furnace, water heater, or any other device which uses natural gas.
If you are certain that no CO is being produced, a charging battery may be producing gaseous by-products which are causing the CO detector to activate.
Contact the manufacturer and ask for recommendations to prevent the alarm activation.
There are millions of batteries manufactured each year, so it is impossible to guarantee consistent quality. A defective battery will never become fully
charged and may damage the charging circuits of the Control. It is for this reason that Zoeller Pump Company offers its own line of batteries. We offer
both a water/acid deep-cycle battery and a maintenance-free AGM battery which can run the pump continuously for over 5 hours. These times are based
on continuous pumping at 8' (2.4 m) of static head. Actual times will vary depending on static head, volume of water entering the pit, and the condition of
the battery.
Follow these recommendations:
• Use a B.C.I. size 27 deep-cycle battery, 175 minute reserve capacity, or larger
• Do NOT use a “maintenance-free” battery unless it is an AGM battery
• Replace your battery every 3 years
• Do not let corrosion build up on the battery terminals
• To check specific gravity, follow the instructions on a hydrometer (wet cell batteries only)
• Use of the included plastic battery box is recommended to keep the battery safe and clean.
• Water level in batteries must be checked once a month (wet cell batteries only)
Inspect and test the system for proper operations at least every 3 months.*
(a) Green "system ready" indicator light should be on, indicating AC
power is on and there are no alarm conditions.
(b) Unplug the primary pump and the controller from the power supply.
(c) Fill the sump with water to the “on” level for the DC pump. Allow the
pump to run a few minutes.
(d) The alarm will sound approximately 1 second after the pump
starts to
(e) Push the Silence/Reset button. The alarm will turn off.
(f) The pump will shut off after the water level is lowered and the float
to the "off" position.
(g) Hold silence/ reset button for 3 seconds to reset the controller and
clear any alarms or indicators.
Plug the controller and the primary pump into the wall outlet.
(a) The primary pump will come on, lower the water to the
operating level and shut off.
(b) The battery light will be yellow when charging. The charger is replacing
the energy consumed during the test. The green light will come on after
the charger has replaced the energy consumed during the test.
*Electrolyte levels in wet cell batteries should be checked monthly. Such a
check is not required for "maintenance free" battery types.
DC pump won’t run.
(a) Check for proper connections.
(b) Check all wire terminal points. Clean if required.
(c) Check for low battery. Service battery if required.
(d) Check 30 amp fuse on controller (see fig. 3). If fuse is blown, replace
with 30 amp automotive blade fuse.
Pump runs but pumps very little or no water without AC power.
(a) Check for low battery. Battery will recharge if green power “on” light
indicates power has been restored and the float switch is in the off
(b) If immediate usage is required, remove and replace dead battery with
a full recharged battery.
(c) Due to varying conditions the pump may continue to run on a low battery
without sufficient power to remove water. Pump will not stop running
until battery is below minimum voltage.
Weak batteries can be recharged but may not store
sufficient energy for full service. A weak recharged battery can only
be detected by reduced pumping time or by professional load testing
equipment. If your emergency pump system is used frequently the
battery should be checked by a qualified battery dealer.
Pump runs but pumps very little or no water.
(a) Verfiy pump is connected completely.
(b) Check to make sure pump weep hole is clear and unit is not airlocked.
(c) Make sure discharge piping is not blocked.
Pump cycles too frequently.
(a) Check positions of rubber stops on operational float rod.
(b) Adjust upper rubber float stop as required. Recommended for standard
Float switch in “on” position for more than 3 seconds. Pump won’t run.
(a) Remove pump. Check for obstruction in pump preventing impeller from
Pump runs, but pumps water intermittently.
(a) Pump is air locking. Check flow of water incoming to sump. If water is
entering the sump at a high velocity creating a turbulent condition, a
mixture of air and water may cause a complete or partial air lock and
reduce or stop the flow of water in the discharge pipe.
(b) Baffle the incoming stream of water to reduce turbulence. Diverting
water stream against wall of basin usually corrects an air lock problem.
7. Water level stays high. DC Pump continues to run.
(a) Battery is low.
(b) If power has been restored and water in sump remains high check
primary pump. Service if required.
(c) After several hours the battery will be restored to full charge.
8. Alarm sounds during battery recharge cycle.
(a) To silence alarm if alarm will not reset, unplug the charger from 115 V
wall outlet, then disconnect the black lead from charger on negative (-)
battery post. Check battery. Replace if necessary. Reconnect and refer
to Installation (step 11).