(B) Clamping installation
Modules can be installed with clamps. Modules must be securely attached to the mounting structure with four
clamps on the long frame.
The modules must be properly secured to their support so that they can withstand live load condition,
including wind uplift, to the pressure they have been certified for. It’s the installer’s responsibility to ensure
the clamps used to secure the modules are strong enough.
The modules are not subject to wind or snow loads exceeding the maximum permissible loads.
The module clamps which are used must not come into contact with the front glass and must not deform
the frame. Avoid shadowing effects from the module clamps. Drain holes in the module frame must not be
closed or obscured by the clamps.
The module installed with clamps on the front frame for load (see the following picture), and refer to the
following table.
Mechanical load
Installation direction
(with safety factor 1.5)
(with safety factor 1.5)