©2017 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics
Date: 2017/03/09
User Manual
Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co., Ltd.
Industrial high performance CAN interface card
USBCAN-4E-U User Manual
1.1 Overview
USBCAN-4E-U high-performance CAN interface card developed by Guangzhou
ZHIYUAN Electronics is based on Linux operating system. It is compatible with
USB2.0 full-speed bus specification and is integrated with 1~4 channels CAN-bus
interface. CAN channels are integrated with independent electrical isolated protection
circuit. The interface card connects the PC to the CAN network via a USB port to form
a CAN-bus control node.
The USBCAN-4E-U high performance CAN interface card is a powerful tool for
CAN-bus product development and CAN-bus data analysis. Furthermore, due to its
small size and plug-and-play, the USBCAN-4E-U interface card is the best choice for
portable system users. It is equipped with an electrical isolation module, which
prevents damage from ground circulation and improves its usage reliability in severe
The USBCAN-4E-U high performance CAN interface card supports Win2000/XP,
Linux2.6 and other operating systems.
The USBCAN-4E-U also provides the unified application programming interface and
complete application demonstration code (including VC, VB, Delphi, C++Builder and
other demonstration code examples) for users to develop their application programs.
The USBCAN-E/2E-U interface card also supports the ZLGCANTest general testing
software, so that the CAN-bus message transmitting, receiving and monitoring can be