SF series user manual V1.0
4. Basic operations
When power on, the device is in authenticating state. At this time the
user can enter into the states of user enrollment, administrator
enrollment, delete a user, and empty users. Each process is prompted by
the voice and the indicator light.
The operation processes are described as follows:
1. In authenticating state, if no enrolled fingerprint and card, the voice
‘Please press the Enroll key long to enroll a administrator’ prompts the
user to enroll a administrator as soon as possible.
2. User must enroll at least one administrator firstly before the normal
users can be enrolled.
3. During the enrollment, if no operation consecutively for n seconds
(set by the user), duplicate the corresponding voice prompt. After two
times consecutively voice prompts, system will return to the
authenticating status automatically. In the deletion state, system will exit
as soon as the first overtime
4. MF card can only support the same and simple functions of ID card
such as the enrollment and the deletion.
5. During the enrollment or the deletion, if consecutively three times
failed confirmations by the user, system will return to the authenticating
state with the prompt voice ‘A failed administrator confirmation, system
will return to the authenticating state’
6. During the enrollment or the deletion, if press the Enroll key or the
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