Using the Master Blaster with your setup
Master Blaster can be used first in a line of effects after your guitar, last in
the effects chain before your amp, and it can even be used in the effects
loop (if your amplifier has one).
If you have a long chain of effects, using the Master Blaster first in line will
allow you to make up for any loss of treble caused by “loading “ of your
guitar pickups. You will have controls to adjust the volume and tone to
optimize your signal. Also, Master Blaster can be used to overdrive other
pedals in the line. As the hiss, hum and noise of Master Blaster is VERY
low, you will not create excess noise by running the pedal in this fashion.
Some players leave the Master Blaster ON before the chain of effects as
a tone and gain shaping device.
Using the Master Blaster last in line of a number of effects creates some
unique sonic opportunities. The TONE control will allow you to “smooth”
out any harshness created by a distortion/fuzz/overdrive pedal without
harming the “punch” or clarity of the signal. Also, a large boost can be
had without overdriving any of the other pedals in the chain (just your
Using the Master Blaster in the effects loop can function as an overall
volume boost (solo boost), and/or as an overall treble boost (or cut). The
“smoothing” function as described above can also be achieved in this
Sample Settings:
Solo boost:
Tone: 12 O’Clock, Vol.- 3 to 5 O’Clock
Extra glassy and clean,
Tone: Maximum, Volume- 12 O’Clock
no signal boost:
Bass guitar drive
Tone: 3 O’Clock, Volume- 3 O’Clock
Using after an overdrive
Tone: 9 O’Clock, Volume- 1 O’Clock
pedal to smooth and
fatten the sound:
Line driver for steel guitar
Tone: Maximum, Volume- 2 O’Clock
On/Off, Tone, Volume, Input, Output, AC/DC
9V power
Tone Range
+3 to - 12dB, variable
Volume Range
+or - 9 dB, variable
Input Impedance
Over one million Ohms
Output Impedance
10k Ohms
Output Volume
Maximum output is 1.25 volts
Current Draw
15 mA @ 9 Volts DC