background image

1. In tro duc ti on

The MX68 functi on de co der is like a lo co mo ti ve deco der but wit hout a mo tor output
sta ge. Up to 8 functions (4 on the MX68L) are avai la ble for in te ri or coach lights,  tail
lights and 
ot her ac ces so ries. It is also suit ab le as a se condary de co der in a lo co mo ti ve or pi lot

The con nec ted ac ces so ries can not only be swit ched on/off but can also be con trol -
led by  tra vel di rec ti on. Be si des dim ming, blin king and sing le light pul ses the MX68
of fers even more fea tu res:



lo ca ti on de pen dent  functi on con trol

, that is, the au to ma tic ac ti vat ion of 

a functi on out put on a pre de fi ned sec ti on of track. Spe ci al ef fects, like the au to -
ma tic ac ti vat ion of in te ri or co ach lights when ap proa ching a tun nel or an acous -
tic sig nal be fo re en te ring a sta ti on be co me pos si ble. Zimo MX9 track sec ti on
mo du les are re qui red for this fea tu re to be used.



pro grammable se con da ry ad dres s

, which can be lin ked elec tro ni cal ly to

the loco de co der. This al lows for the as signment of one functi on key to switch
all co ach lights, head lights and tail lights at the loco de co der ad dress le vel. 


au to matic pro gram ming

 of this se con da ry ad dress. All coa ches that are part

of a train, con tai ning an  MX68 functi on de co der, can au to ma ti cal ly ac cept a
new  loco ad dress as the se con da ry ad dress.


Ope ra ting vol ta ge on track or bus.......................................................... 12 - 24 V
Peak cur rent per group, right or left .............................................................0.4 A
Idle cur rent...........................................................................................max. 5 mA
Di men sions..................................................0.8”x 0.4”x 0.17” (20 x 10 x 4,5 mm)


2. Ad dres ses and Pro gram ming

Every functi on de co der needs its own ad dress, just like a loco de co der, so that it may  
be   ac ces sed  using a cab. All NMRA DCC com pli ant de co ders  have 3 as their fac to -
ry  de fault ad dress.

All NMRA com pli ant ad dress mo des are sup por ted. This in clu des pri ma ry (short),
ex ten ded (long) and con sist ad dress com mands. In ad di ti on, Zimo of fers anot her
tech ni que for the functi on de co der, known as se con da ry ad dres sing. This of fers the
ad van ta ge of lin king a com ple te train of lighted coa ches by one key stro ke.

Zimo de co ders ac cept re gis ter, pa ged and di rect pro gram ming mo des. The se dif fe -
rent ty pes of pro gram ming mo des are in vi si ble to the user. All the se dif fe rent mo des
en su re that Zimo de co ders can be pro gram med by any NMRA com pli ant com mand
sta ti on

Re fer  to Your com mand sta ti on and/or thrott le in struc tions to pro gram this de co der.
This de co der acts  like any ot her NMRA com pli ant de co der, as far as your com mand
sta ti on can tell. Use the Con fi gu ra ti on Va ria ble in for ma ti on on the fol lo wing pa ges to
gui de you.

Pro gram ming de co ders can also be done with the as si stan ce of your PC. Zimo of -
fers ADAPT (free soft wa re), which is avai la ble at un der Pro ducts/Part -
ner Pro grams. Lenz, In tel li box and Zimo com mand sta tions are sup por ted. See
web si te for de tails. 

Ground to the left may be used to estab lish com mon ground with ot her de co ders, if
nee ded or for ground supp ly to ot her ac ces so ries.


 Page 2                                        

 Function Decoder MX68                                          


Right rail
left rail
common supply
front headlight  (F0v)
rear headlights (F0r)
output #3 (F1)
output #4 (F2)

MX68 (viewed from top)








                output #6 (F4)

                output #7 (F5)

                output #8 (F6)

output #5 (F3)

No connections on this 
side for the MX68L 


Function decoder  with 2 groups of 4 outputs each. Max. Current for 
each group: 0.4A. Two outputs may be used in parallel and linked
through function mapping to increase current load. 


Low cost version with 4 outputs total.

Содержание MX68

Страница 1: ...oftware that determines its characteristics and functions The current version may not yet be capable of all the functions mentioned in this manual Such missing functions can be installed later by upgrading the EPROM In some cases the EPROM may be updated with a special programming station available at Zimo and specialized dealers Such upgrades are not covered by the warranty and will be charged to...

Страница 2: ...eirfacto ry default address All NMRA compliant address modes are supported This includes primary short extended long and consist address commands In addition Zimo offers another technique for the function decoder known as secondary addressing This offers the advantage of linking a complete train of lighted coaches by one key stroke Zimo decoders accept register paged and direct programming modes T...

Страница 3: ...ltage 60 204 80 of track voltage 61 Dimming mask Calculate bit values as in CV 29 0 63 0 Bit 0 to 5 for one function output each Bit 0 front headlight Bit 1 rear head light etc Bit value 0 dimmed to value in CV 60 Bit value 1 output not dimmed 1 Primary short address 1 127 3 Short 1 byte primary address is active when Bit 5 in CV 29 is cleared 0 3 Acceleration rate 0 255 0 Only relevant for direct...

Страница 4: ...n module CV s 10 17 see MX9 manual operate what function output 78 86 0 Outputs are set to F0 F7 by default See explanation on NMRA function map ping table on page 5 87 94 Individual dimming of single function outputs 87 headlight front 88 headlight rear 89 third output 90 fourth output etc 0 Individual alternative to general dimming according to CV 60 0 CV 60 active only 1 255 PWM on function out...

Страница 5: ...ither the direct command calls for it or the necessary function bit in a track section is set The combinations can be changed with the help of bit 6 and 7 of CV 112 to and or not and And turns a function on if a direct command calls for it and a function bit is set in a correspondingtrack section Not and allows the location dependent function control to turn a function off contrary to a current di...

Страница 6: ... fly except for loco addres ses Beaware that there will be no acknowledgment andreadouts are not possible on the fly On the fly programming is only allowed for the primary short and long addresses not for secondary addresses Page 6 Function Decoder MX68 ...
