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Important notes
Hazardous voltage!
Will cause death or serious injury. Turn off and lock out
all power supplying this device before working on this device!
To use the equipment flawless and safe, transport and store properly, install and start professionally and
operate as directed.
Only let persons work with the equipment who are familiar with installation, start and use and who have
appropriate qualification corresponding to their function. They must observe the contents of the instructions
manual, the information which are written on the equipment and the relevant security instructions for the
setting up and the use of electrical units.
The equipments are built according to EN60947 and checked and leave the plant according to security in
perfect condition. To keep this condition, observe the security ins
tructions with the headline „Attention“
written in the instructions manual. Ignoring of the security instructions may lead to death, physical injury or
damage of the equipment itself and of other apparatus and equipment.
If, in any case the information in the instructions manual is not sufficient, please contact our company or the responsible representative.
Instead of the industrial norms and regulations written in this instructions manual valid for Europe, you must
observe out of their geographical scope the valid and relevant regulations of the corresponding country.
Observe safety rules and standards. Notice safety remarks!
The device can be mounted on 35 mm rail according EN 60715 or with screws M4 (Option)
The devices must be installed in an enclosure of international protection class IP 5x or better.
Housing overall width 35 mm (2 TE)
Terminals with screw mounting M3 maximum tightening torque 0,8 Nm
When installing the device into the switchgear cabinet, please observe the max. admissible
temperature. Care for both, sufficient clearance to other devices or sources of heat or
enough forced draught. If cooling is made more difficult, e.g. close devices with increased
surface temperature or by handicap of airflow cooling, the permissible ambient temperature
has to be reduced.
The lines of the sensor circuit are to be routed as separate control lines. The use of lines of
the supply cable or other mainstream lines is not permissible. If extreme inductive or
capacitive stray effects are to be expected by parallel cables of the power installation,
shielded control lines should be used.
Attention! TMP tripping relays with supply voltage DC/AC 24 V without
potential separation are intended to use at power supplies according SELV
or PELVwhere protected wiring is used.