1. Switch the tone generator to the OFF position
2. Connect the RJ-11 connector mating cable connector.
3. The LED color indicates the condition of the telephone jack
GREEN = Jack wired properly, RED = Jack wired with
reversed polarity.
Identifying telephone cable Line Condition
1. Switch the tone generator to the OFF position
2. Connect the red test lead to the RING side and the black test
lead to the TIP side.
3. The LED will indicate line condition by:
4. Switch the tone generator power switch to CONT to terminate
the call.
Continuity testing
1. Connect the test leads to the wire pair under test.
2. Switch the tone generator to the CONT position.
3. The LED will glow bright GREEN for a low resistance or
continuity. The LED will glow less brightly as the resistance
increases and will extinguish at approximately 10,000ohms.
Tone selection
The output of the tone generator can be set to continuous or
wobble. To change the type of output, change the tone type
switch position (located in the battery compartment)
Battery replacement
Install a new battery by removing the battery cover as indicated
in the meter description diagram.