Charge ended by BMS
If the EVMS Core detects an error, this warning page
will be displayed. In most cases, the error can be
acknowledged/reset by pressing Select. For a full list of
errors you might see, refer to section
Error Detection
Reset SoC
Enter Setup
Display Off
Exit Options
You can bring up this options menu by holding your
finger down for 1 second. From here you can do a
manual reset of the State of Charge (back to 100%),
enter the Setup mode, or switch the display off.
When the display is off, touch and hold anywhere for
1 second to turn it back on. Display will automatically
wake if there is a new warning to display.
Setup mode can only be entered from Idle state, i.e
when the vehicle is not charging or being driven.
Configuring Settings
The EVMS Monitor can be used to configure settings for all devices on the CAN bus.
EVMS: Setup
General Settings
Pack capacity
Exit Setup
The Setup mode has three rows. The top row
toggles between the General Settings and the Pack
Configuration sections. Tap the arrows either side to
nagivate between these. In the General Settings page,
the second row selects the parameter to be modified,
and the third row modifies the parameter itself. The Exit
Setup button will distribute new settings to all devices
on the network then return to normal operation.
EVMS: Setup
Pack Configuration
Module ID:
Num cells:
Exit Setup
The page for configuring your battery pack (so the
BMS knows how many cells to monitor) looks like
Tap the arrows either side of the Module ID row to
select the module in question, and the arrows either
side of Num cells is used to modify how many cells
that BMS module should expect.
List of settings - EVMS Core
The following table describes the parameters available in the General Settings page.
Pack capacity
The rated capacity of your traction battery pack,
in Amp Hours. For lead acids, use the C20 rate
(see also section on Peukert’s Effect).
SoC warning
The EVMS can raise a warning when the traction
battery’s SoC reaches a predetermined level.
Use 0% to disable.
Full voltage
The EVMS uses a “full voltage” threshold
combined with charge current dropping to
under 2 amps to detect charge completion, and
automatically reset the SoC to 100%.
Warn current
The EVMS will provide a warning if the current
in the traction circuit exceeds this threshold.
Trip current
The EVMS will provide a warning and
automatically shut down the traction circuit if
current exceeds this threshold.
Temp warning
The EVMS will provide a warning if its temperature
sensor exceeds this threshold. It will not shut the
vehicle down, but it is recommended that you
stop to investivate as soon as possible.
Min aux voltage
If the vehicle’s 12V supply drops below this
threshold for more than 5 seconds, a warning
will be provided. It may indicate a weak 12V
battery and/or faulty DC/DC converter.
Max leakage
A warning will be raised if isolation integrity
from traction circuit to chassis drops below this
threshold, indicating compromised insulation
or an unexpected conduction path. See also
section on
Leakage / ground fault detection
Tacho PPR
The EVMS Core can drive your vehicle’s
OEM tachometer as an ammeter, displaying
hundreds of amps instead of thousands of RPM.
Tachometers typically expect a number of
Pulses Per Revolution, being half the number of
cylinders that the original engine had.