OMNISCAN 5000TT A1 - The Book Scanner A1 for Libraries and Archives
A new concept to scan or copy books and bound volumes 256 grey
scales and optional automatic image correction of the book curve
Until today, scanning or copying of books or bound volumes has been
cumbersome, time-consuming and was damaging the book spine. With state-
of-the-art technology ZEUTSCHEL provides now a unique high performance
digitizing system OMNISCAN 5000 Table Top with high resolution accuracy
and reliability that will efficiently handle books.
It will reduce imaging/copying time and labor cost. Simply place a book or a
bound volume "face up" on the book cradle and you will digitize an image with
all details in seconds. The scan head captures the original "from the top". Via a
SCSI 2 Wide interface the digital images will be sent to a PC and be instantly
stored on a hard disk.
Then it can be written on a CD-ROM or transferred into a network. Optional, a
laser-printer can be directly connected for immediate printout of a hard copy.
Handling of books is convenient and easy: a well-designed ZEUTSCHEL book
cradle guarantees that the book spines are not damaged, no shadow area
appears at the book gutter and the script will appear without distortion. The
result is high productivity and preservation of the book.
The quality of digital images depends on the quality of the optical lens, the
built-in scanning technology and the precision of the mechanical/electronic
The OMNISCAN 5000 Table Top scanner head was designed with a high-
resolution lens, a precision mechanism to drive the high-performance CCD
scan line, a 256 grey-scales feature and an optional electronic image
correction of the book curve to guarantee superior scanning results. This
means sharp and crisp images even from poor originals with low contrast, very
fine lines or variable background density.
Each captured image can then be processed with a powerful image
enhancement software (optional: contrast enhancement, rotation, deskew, de-
speckle, cut/mask, crop, etc.) Thus, poor originals can be improved to good
digital images and hard copies and the storage space will be reduced
considerably at the same time.