• After the machine is serviced, sign the coupon and give it to “Water Care Service Engineer.”
• Valid only for a period of one year from the date of purchase
• Non-transferable and non-extendable
• Cannot be encashed
• Ensure that the machine is services to your satisfaction before handing the signed coupon to the “Water Care Service Engineer.”
• After the machine is serviced, sign the coupon and give it to “Water Care Service Engineer.”
• Valid only for a period of one year from the date of purchase
• Non-transferable and non-extendable
• Cannot be encashed
• Ensure that the machine is services to your satisfaction before handing the signed coupon to the “Water Care Service Engineer.”
• After the machine is serviced, sign the coupon and give it to “Water Care Service Engineer.”
• Valid only for a period of one year from the date of purchase
• Non-transferable and non-extendable
• Cannot be encashed
• Ensure that the machine is services to your satisfaction before handing the signed coupon to the “Water Care Service Engineer.”
(To be filled by the Sales Representative and retained by the customer for reference)
Unit Serial No. :
Invoice No. : Dated :
Date of Expiry of Warranty
Customer’s Name and Address
Mobile No. : Resi. : Fax No.:
Customer’s Signature. :
(I accept the terms and conditions of warranty)