• Your hearing changes: it gets worse then gets better again
• You have worse hearing in one ear
• You hear ringing or buzzing in only one ear
Warning: This hearing aid should not cause pain when
inserting it.
Remove this device from your ear if it causes pain or
discomfort when you insert or place it. To try again, make
sure to follow the instructions. If you feel pain or discomfort
again, contact the manufacturer. If your pain or discomfort
doesn't go away, contact your hearing healthcare
professional. You can also report this to FDA as an adverse
event according to the instructions that appear later.
• Keep and store hearing aids and components out of reach
of children. Contains small parts which may be a choking
• Check before using the hearing aids in areas where
electronics or wireless devices are restricted. This may
cause interference.
• Do
dry hearing aid with a hairdryer. Heat may damage
hearing aid.
• Do
use the hearing aids without the supplied ear tips