perfectly aligned. You will know when the valve guide is
in the right place because you will feel and hear a click
and the valve will not rotate any longer.
do this about once a month
Why do you have to grease the slides you ask.
If you do not lubricate the slides the mineral deposits
from saliva will literally weld the tubes together and you
are looking at an expensive repair and acid bath to
mobilize them again. This is how you get "stuck slides".
Your trumpet dries out and all that remains are the
deposits. You will not be able to remove these deposits
with any soap or water or any cleaning kit. It must be
removed by acid at a professional repair shop.
To avoid all this hassle and expense, all you have to do is
grease the slides. In case you are to lazy to grease the
slides and you feel that you are handy anyway will have
not trouble pulling out the stuck slides with some tools
form the garage, you will be in for an unpleasant
surprise. You will tear your trumpet apart. There is a
chance that you will rip apart all the solder joints. If you
grease your slides regularly they will never get stuck. If
you are lazy or forget and your slides get stuck, take your
trumpet to a trusted repair technician and the clever
repair tech should be able to remove the slides without
any damage. In the worse case scenario some slides get
stuck so bad that the slides themselves have to be
unsoldered and the the individual pieces of slide tubing
have to be removed independently piece by piece.