9.0 Initial Testing and Troubleshooting
Your MAX10-SoM was manufactured by AS9100 and ISO9001 processes. It was fully tested and passed a
burn in process before being shipped to you. It is ready for your custom program to be downloaded and the
MAX10-SoM installed into your final product. (Contact your local distributor, Zephyr Engineering or Falcon
Nano if you wish to have your custom program installed in your MAX10-SoM before it is shipped to you.)
If your project is still in the development stage, we recommend the following. After removing your MAX10-
SoM from it's factory box the first time, apply power. The factory program will start a self-test. You will see
the user programmable LEDs of LED 1 and LED 2 cycling in a sequence of “on” for 1 second and then off
followed by the adjacent LED until the pattern repeats. Once you have seen the LED 1 and LED 2 sequence
properly, remove power from the MAX10-SoM. Install the MAX10-SoM 40-pin Loopback Connector Board
and the MAX10-SoM HSMC Loopback Connector Board. Apply power. The factory program will perform a
more advanced self-test. The factory program will be sending signals sequentially to pins and verifying receipt
of those signals by other pins. The LEDs on the Connector Boards will continuously cycle through a series of
LEDs on and off.
If at any point during these self-tests, the factory program detects an error, it will stop cycling the LEDs on and
off. Depending on the error, the factory program may give an indication of what the problem is. See the
MAX10-SoM Look Back Connector Board Instructions
for details on further troubleshooting steps.
If your MAX10-SoM has already had your custom program installed and you suspect the MAX10-SoM
hardware may not be operating properly, power off the MAX10-SoM. Apply power again. If you are still not
getting the results you expect, re-install the factory program. Perform the steps listed in the paragraphs above.
If the MAX10-SoM does not pass the self-tests, your MAX10-SoM may be damaged and may need to be
returned for repair. Contact Zephyr Engineering or Falcon Nano.
Falcon Nano Inc. Preliminary/For Reference Only MAX10-SoM User's Manual Rev 1.1 Page 16 of 17