806835NZ v1.05 03.22 G5 User guide
Chilled models
Default chill set point: 5-9ºC Commercial, 6-10ºC Residential.
Scroll to select alternatives.
Boiling models
Default set point: 98ºC Set point range: 68-100ºC.
Operation: Within 1-2ºC of set point.
Note: Boiling water delivery rate will be affected with a
higher temperature setting. Up to 6% less energy in standby
is consumed with a 98ºC set point, rather than 100ºC.
A warning icon will appear when setting boiling set point
temperatures that are subject to pump cavitation.
12:12 PM
Boiling Set Point
Chill Set Point
SECTION 3: Command Centre Screen
Boiling / Chilled set point
Adjust as required.
3.5.2 Temperature settings
Sparkling models
Chill set point: 3-6ºC Commercial, 3-7ºC Residential.
This set temperature is fixed, for sparkling optimisation.