805812NZ v1.04 05.20 HydroChill Install Instructions
Components and accessories
This manual refers to the following Te-Mix Aqua/L undercounter chiller models
• Te-Mix Aqua 15 (HCS90NZ / HCF90NZ)
• Te-Mix Aqua 25 (HCS120NZ / HCF120NZ)
• Te-Mix Aqua 50 (HCS200NZ / HCF200NZ)
The Te-Mix Aqua/L chillers are directly connected to the water supply (with a filter), to dispense:
• Still water at room temperature
• Still chilled water
• Sparkling chilled water
The water is carried through thermally insulated tubes from the chiller to the font.
The insulating tube (known as the “python”) and the font are included.
Check that the machine delivered to you carries the nameplate (EC nameplate) shown below. This indicates
the model, the serial number and all the machine technical data necessary for ordering spare parts or
reporting technical problems to the technical support service.