The CA series chassis has been developed for sentry 2 screen sizes 25” through 36” stereo models. The chassis is a
single sided printed circuit board (PCB) very similar to the GA Chassis.
During the manufacturing process, the microprocessor will be programmed for any added features. Additional plug in
boards with Jack Packs will be added to the chassis to accommodate the different features: Stereo, Mono, Video/
Audio in, etc.
The ICX2200 integrated circuit (IC) handles all of the audio/video, sync, and sweep drive processing. The IC6000 is
the main microprocessor and the IC6001 is the EAROM memory. The keyboard and IR detector are tied directly to the
IC6000. The IC2100/IC2101 handles the vertical sweep. At power on, voltages for the vertical and video output
circuit are derived from this sweep circuit.