1. Select Blast Cone of your
choice and install over front
of HotSpot™ before connecting
to SpeedBlaster®. Make sure
cone (HS-6,7,8,9) completely
bottoms out against raised ridge
on mixing chamber (HS-1).
Failure to do this will misalign Blast
Cone to unit and shorten life of
(See Illustration 1)
2. To attach HotSpot™ to your
SpeedBlaster®, push the white
ceramic nozzle on the SpeedBlaster®
(007-12) into blast nozzle insert (HS-4) below. Keep HotSpot™
in an upright position (twelve o’clock) and the SpeedBlaster® at
nine o’clock. Applying steady pressure, push the SpeedBlast-
er® nozzle into the HotSpot™ and simultaneously rotate
SpeedBlaster® 45° until units are square to each other
(See illustration 2)
It is not necessary to
force the ceramic nozzle (007-12)
all the way into the rubber insert.
There should be approximately
3/16” remaining between rubber
insert (HS-4) and SpeedBlaster
nozzle retainer (007-13).
(See Illustration 3)
If you over turn the SpeedBlaster® and must rotate
it back into alignment;
make sure to re-tighten the nozzle
retainer (007-13). Failure to do this may cause misalignment of
the steel insert (007-14) behind the ceramic nozzle (007-12) and
3.To spot blast; place HotSpot™
Blast Cone (HS-6,7,8,9) directly
on workpiece to be blasted.
Confirm there is an air tight seal.
This is done by selecting the
cone that best matches the
contour of your workpiece
and then applying steady
forward pressure against area to
be blasted.
For best results,
make sure the Blast Cone is
contacting your workpiece
at a 90° angle.
(See Illustration 4a)
4. While spot blasting; the blast
media and compressed air will
be forced into the reclaimer bag
(HS-2). The reclaimer bag must
be emptied frequently.
It is highly
recommended to empty reclaimer bag once
it becomes half full.
Failure to do this will restrict air flow
and reduce HS2020 ability to extract waste and blast
media into the collection bag. This will cause premature
wear (See Illustration 4b)
5. To disconnect HS2020; disconnect compressed air
line and
pull SpeedBlaster® away while rotating clockwise.
This is
done to keep nozzle retainer tightened at all times.
6. To empty collection bag; simply remove Blast Cone
(HS-6,7,8,9) and turn unit upside down. Pour contents
through the end that accepts the Blast Cone.
(See Illustration 5)
Shooting compressed air through gun without
nozzle in place may eject steel insert. TO
REMOVE INSERT SAFELY and prevent possible
injury, disconnect air line and pull insert out with
hook rod (SpeedBlaster® Only).
Some dust created by power sanding, sawing,
grinding, drilling, and other construction activities
contain chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproduc-
tive harm.
If you plan to
recycle/reuse blast media in
collection bag
it is imperative to
mesh screen with holes no larger
than 1/16” measured diagonally.
If you do not perform this step,
particles larger than 14 grit will
likely clog the SpeedBlaster®
when reused.
4 Larson Drive ● Danbur
y, CT
06810 ● U.S.A.
Phone: 1-800-446-5257
E-Mail: [email protected]
Replacement Parts: ZendexTool.com
Illustration 1
Illustration 2
Illustration 3
Illustration 4a
Only For Use With
Illustration 4b
Illustration 5